Increase temporal and geographic coverage and usefulness of observational data in the Arctic with a view to improving the assessment and prediction capacity of Arctic and planetary changes.
Support standardization and calibration/validation activities, and improve the inter-operability of Arctic observational data.
Improve the sustained integration of space-based and in-situ Arctic observations into process models and forecast systems showing benefit to the Copernicus monitoring services.
Contribute to the long-term improvement of Arctic observation systems and related services.
Integrate with existing pan-Arctic monitoring networks by building additional capacity and adding monitoring parameters to current programmes.
Improve the cost-effectiveness of data collection in support of Arctic-related economic and societal activities.
Support to local communities.
Support international assessments of global challenges such as climate change, scarcity of natural resources and global scale hazards.
Strengthen the societal and economic role of the Arctic region and support the EU strategy for the Arctic and related maritime and environmental policies.
Contribute to the GEO Cold Region Initiative and to the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance (TORA).
Contribute to the ongoing and possible future OSPAR actions in Arctic waters.
Contribute to the Sustaining Arctic Observation Networks (SAON) process
Contribute to the WMO Programme Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)