Arctic Science Summit Week 2020 is a series of events focusing on the importance of the Arctic and its future.
27 March - Science for a Sustainable Arctic
Science for a Sustainable Arctic is an international assembly bringing together policy-makers and international scientists to discuss key issues for the Arctic.
28-30 March - IASC Business and Community Meetings
The IASC Council, Executive Committee and Working Groups will gather to discuss opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration within the international Arctic research community, as well as IASC matters. Along with IASC meetings, IASC partner organisations and other international scientific groups with interest in the Arctic will also use this occasion to meet. Registration is open to everybody and the majority of these business and community meetings are open for all to attend.
31 March - 5th Arctic Observing Summit
Observing for Action is the theme of the 5th Arctic Observing Summit 2020. AOS is an international biennial forum that aims to provide knowledge-based guidance for the design, implementation, coordination and operation of sustained, long-term international network of Arctic observing systems. You can find out more by visiting the AOS event page.
Dates: 27 March - 2 April 2020.
Location: Akureyri, Iceland.
Further Information: Please see the official website.