Mercator Ocean international, Noveltis and KEPLER (Key Environmental Monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness) are organizing the Copernicus Marine Service Online Training Workshop dedicated to the Arctic Ocean on December 01 2020 – 9:30 pm UTC+1.
The online Copernicus Marine Training sessions have been designed to train existing as well as new Copernicus Marine Service users. The audience will learn about the use of the Copernicus Marine Service products and services and their possible applications.
The workshop aims to bring together experts and users of marine products. It will consist of a mixture of plenary expert talks, round table discussions and hands-on practical exercises to explore the Copernicus Marine products catalogue. The target audience is mainly beginners and new users.
The Copernicus Marine Service training workshop for the Arctic Ocean will now be conducted online comprising 2 online sessions (Rounds 1 & 3) with an interval of 2 weeks in between for practical homework (Round 2).
Dates: 1-15 December, 2020.
Location: Online.
Further Information: Further information and registration available here.