The report of the latest INTAROS Community-Based Management (CBM) Workshop is now available to consult and download. The workshop was held at the Québec Convention Centre, Canada, on December 11-12, to coincide with the Arctic Change 2017 Conference. Practitioners of CBM and observing programs from northern Canada came together to exchange experiences and perspectives. The workshop saw participation by representatives of ten CBM programs as well as representatives of co-management boards, northern research institutions, Inuit organizations, philanthropic organizations, and programs focused on developing or adapting tools for data management and sharing.
The Quebec workshop aimed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among CBM practitioners from Canada. The agenda, which was developed in collaboration with the participant, allowed for presentations from the various programmes, breakout and plenary discussion groups, and time for networking over meals and games.
The workshop was funded by the Integrated Arctic Observing System (INTAROS) and organized by a host committee that included representatives of INTAROS, the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA), the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC), and the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). The earlier INTAROS CBM workshops were held in Fairbanks, Alaska (May 11, 2017) and in the Russian communities of Komi and Zhigansk (September 2017). An additional CBM workshop will be organized in northern Europe in 2018-2019.
Photo: Lisbeth Iversen (Nansen Environmental & Remote Sensing Center) and Finn Danielsen (NORDECO) introduce the INTAROS project to workshop participants. Credit: Michael Køie Poulsen
26 May 2018