Contribution to ICES WG integrative physical, biological-ecosystem modelling


INTAROS' Marie Maar, Dep. of Bioscience, Aarhus University, joined the ICES working group on integrative physical, biological-ecosystem modelling (ICES WIGIPEM), during their online meeting last week, 22-25 March, 2021.


WIGIPEM carries out modelling work by sharing and discussing simulation results, identifying gaps in knowledge in these modelling activities, and recommending and performing activities to improve model performance.


INTAROS contributed to theme (a) Improve model interactions between trophic levels by:
- investigating the importance of spatio-temporal scales for trophic match–mismatch,
- assessing human activities effects on ecosystems, including cumulative impacts.


Marie presented her work on, The relative importance of GIS freshwater discharge and sea ice cover for the productivity of Disko Bay. You can read the complete abstract here


By contributing to longer-term programmes, such as WIGIPEM, INTAROS is working towards having greater and longer lasting impacts on the state of the art in Arctic research.


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31 March 2021