INTAROS KV Svalbard Cruise 2018 (c)Espen Storheim
The Coordinated Arctic Acoustic Thermometry Experiment (Eurasian Basin) (CAATEX) deployment cruise will take place within the objectives of INTAROS, running from 14 August to 9 September 2019.
The primary mission is the deployment of four acoustic/oceanographic moorings, an ice-tethered profiler and two ice buoys. This equipment will record sounds from beneath the ocean, as well as ocean temperatures, and will remain in the ocean until the next fieldwork season.
The CAATEX deployment cruise will be carried out with the Norwegian icebreaker KV Svalbard and will reach the Nansen and Amundsen Basin.
Participating scientists are from Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Naval Postgraduate School - Monterey, Norwegian Polar Institute, NORCE (NORUT) and University of Bergen will participate.
06 August 2019