INTAROS is delighted to announce that we have awarded two special prizes to young scientists for their excellent presentations at EGU 2021.
Both young scientists presented their work during the special session co-convened by INTAROS:
EOS7.3 Effective communication of scientific & place-based knowledge of Arctic change: understanding interactions between indigenous & local knowledge, and natural & social science perspectives.
Convener: Susanna Gartler | Co-conveners: Annett Bartsch, Peter Schweitzer, Donatella Zona.
The first prize of €500 was awarded to Levi Westerveld, GRID Arendal, Norway, for his presentation: Topological mapping: new method to map, analyze, and visualize humanistic data in the Arctic.
The second prize of €250 was awarded to Grace Shephard, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway, for her presentation: An Arctic transformation; from an in-person international summer school to a digital MOOC.
You can check out their presentations below:
29 July 2021