It's here! The INTAROS Film has been released...
The INTAROS field experiment North of Svalbard in 2018 is documented in a film prepared for the INTAROS and UAK projects - Useful Arctic Knowledge. The INTAROS field experiment was planned and led by Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center. Seventeen scientists from several countries and different generations participated in this cruise deploying instruments to measure oceanic, atmospheric and geophysical parameters.
Field experiments are an important mechanism for transfer of scientific and technological knowledge between generations. The focus of the film is to hear directly from the individual scientists what they do and what scientific questions they aim to address ranging from the very specific questions to the overarching climate change questions.
The film was produced by Håvard Sagen. Håvard is student at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU, and he participated in the INTAROS field experiment to document the activities on board.
26 June 2019