INTAROS partners from all over the world came together in Sopot, Poland recently for the INTAROS General Assembly 2020, kindly hosted by IOPAN.


Over 60 members of the consortium from across Europe and from afar afield as Alaska, Korea and China, came together for a two-day plenary session showcasing all the latest research and information from the INTAROS project.


This year's GA included a small poster session to shed greater light on the work being done by young and early stage researchers on the project. These young researchers were given the opportunity to make a small presentation on their posters in front of the plenary assembly.


There is no doubt that everyone involved in this project has been very busy during 2019, and there is a lot more to come in 2020 and 2021. Watch this space for all the latest news and updates.




14 January 2020