Raspberry Shakes and Earthquakes: Community-based Science in Action


During the last week of July, the Institute for Geosciences at the Univeristy of Bergen (UiB-GEO) deployed two seismometers in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, as a part of INTAROS. A modern, small seismometer called "Raspberry Shake", which can measure tiny earth movements at the scale of one millimeter or less, was deployed. The instrument will provide important information about movements in the subsoil that may be caused by earthquakes or landslides.


The deployment was a part of an initiative that is focused on community-based science and, therefore, it will provide an opportunity to involve local organizations in surveillance and make data available to the population of Longyearbyen. Svalbard Museum and Polarsenteret proved to be the best social hubs capable of supporting this community-based involvement. 



Svalbard museum deployment. Monitoring started on 26th July 2018.

Two instruments similar to the Raspberry Shake were previously installed in Greenland. Raspberry Shake is configured to forward information via a real-time continuous stream of seismic data to the the online Raspberry Shake Data Center.


You can check out all the observing sites assessed by INTAROS in this interactive map.


06 August 2018