Earlier this week we brought you a taste of what's to come from INTAROS at EGU2019 during our Special Session, "Evaluation, exploitation and enhancement of Arctic observing systems across disciplines". Well EGU is on our doorstep, so it's high time we took a look at the remaining contributions to the INTAROS Special Session.
Our friends at SMHI report on freshwater inputs to the arctic and the Arctic observing system Arctic-HYCOS. By monitoring river outputs in the region, the amount of freshwater entering the Arctic Ocean is estimated. Through a pan-Arctic observing system, this study allows for validation and improvement of Arctic models and better predictions of the impact of changes in hydrological regimes in the region.
09:15–09:30 |
Assessment and exploitation of pan-arctic hydrological observation systems and data for monitoring fresh-water flow to the Arctic Ocean and changes in arctic hydrological regimes
David Gustafsson, Kristina Isberg, and Berit Arheimer
Next up we will hear about seismological (earthquake) monitoring in the Laptev Sea, north of Siberia. Since the melting of permafrost in the Arctic region is one of the fastest growing sources of methane, this research studies the emission of these gases via "chimneys" from the seabed. In this presentation you can hear about the technological and tactical approaches used as well as the latest results from this exciting research.
09:30–09:45 |
Towards implementation of seabed seismological network in Laptev Sea and Mega seeps geo-structural study by 3D active nodal array.
Dmitry Ilinskiy, Oleg Ganzha, Konstantin Roginskiy, and Leopold Lobkovskiy
Finally, the INTAROS Special Session will wrap up with a virtual visit to the Beaufort Gyre, in the Canada Basin. This area was extensively studied during the project Forum for Arctic Modeling and Observing Synthesis (FAMOS), producing a large quantity of data on various aspects of the Arctic oceanic processes. In this presentation we will hear about new approaches to observing, modeling and analysis as well as experiences and outlooks for the Beaufort Gyre area.
09:45–10:00 |
Beaufort Gyre Observing System (BGOS) in 2003-2018 from observations and model results
Andrey Proshutinsky, Richard Krishfield, John Toole, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Bill Williams, and Sarah Zimmermann
This is just some of what you can expect during the INTAROS Special Session. Stay tuned to the INTAROS website, Facebook and Twitter for more of what's to come.
If you are attending EGU, don't miss the Special Session:
Evaluation, exploitation and enhancement of Arctic observing systems across disciplines
Co-organized as AS5.15/BG1.65/CL5.20/CR2.14/OS1.17/SSS13.21
Convener: Roberta Pirazzini | Co-conveners: Andreas P. Ahlstrøm, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Mathias Göckede, Stein Sandven
Orals | Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Room M1
Posters | Attendance Thu, 11 Apr, 10:45–12:30 Hall X1
05 April 2019