INTAROS Questionnaire Goes Live


We are pleased to announce the public opening of the INTAROS questionnaire to survey the characteristics of the existing in situ Arctic observing systems (Questionnaire A).


National and international institutions, agencies, and projects that have been (or are still) collecting in situ observations from fixed or mobile, permanent or temporary platforms in the Arctic are invited to answer to the questionnaire.


The received answers will be integrated with those provided by the INTAROS partners, placed in an open-access repository, and used to assess the Arctic observing system and analyze gaps in its extent.


The assessment is in line with the assessments of climate data record and of measurement series done under the FP7 CORE-CLIMAX project and the H2020 GAIA-CLIM project, respectively.


The repository  answers will enhance the visibility of the assessed data, and will facilitate data discovery for stakeholders and data users.




16 April 2018